Using metal oxide scaffolds to explore the chemsitry of technetium-99
Specific Project Aims:
In this project we will use polyoxometalates (nanosized metal oxide moelcuels) to invetigate both the coordination chemsitry and redox speciation of Tc-99 by observating is behavior when complexed to different POM surface binding sites. Specifically we use a combinatin of comutation and experimentation to 1) investiage the Dawson and Keggin type POMs to explore Tc(V)-X, where X is O or N, binding and speciation and 2) investiage the vanadium substituted Keggin POMS as chelators for the low valent Tc(I)CO species. In addition, we look at the use of POMs for the reduction and complexation of Tc using sunlight and a sacrifical electron donor.
Integrated Materials Development Group
Exploring polyoxometalates to deisgn metal binding sites to explore the redox and coordination chemsitry of the radioactive metal, technetium-99
The Probelm.
Technetiumis a radiometal with well known pharamaeutical applications as both an imaging and radiotherapeutic agent. The Tc-99 isotope is also a byproduct of the nuclear fission cycle and exists in large amounts in the radioactive waste sites at national labs and nuclear fallout sites. Tc has a half life of about 250 000 years, which means it will not decay naturally during our lifetimes and its coordination chemistry is complicated becasue it has 9 accesible oxidation states. In addition, its redox speciation is highly sensitive to both pH and binding site.